• High Utility Bills
• Comfort Issues
• Rooms Too Cold or Too Hot
• Clammy, Drafty, or Stuffy Rooms
• Heating, Ventilation,
& Air Conditioning Problems
• Moisture or Mold Issues
• Dust Problems
• Unusual Smells & Odors
Common Efficiency Issues:
Thinking about adding attic or crawlspace insulation, replacing or servicing your existing HVAC system, installing new windows, encapsulating your crawlspace or having air-sealing work performed? STOP! Don't carelessly spend money without first having an energy audit performed.
Each home has its own set of
concerns. There are no cookie-
cutter solutions. Homeowners can
make specific changes in one type
of home that might not work well in
another (it could create major
issues). To know what upgrades
will work best in meeting your
home's needs, an examination of
the complete structure is required.
A Synergy Energy Audit outlines the efficiency of your home. Proper sealing and insulation may be all that is necessary in some houses to create energy savings. Or it may be that your HVAC system wasn't properly sized and installed. Either way, your home is tested and outlined in detail on how to significantly reduce energy costs and increase the comfort inside your home.